Invited Speakers

1. Benoit Appolaire, University of Lorraine, France

Presentation Title: Phase Field Modeling of TWIP Beta Titanium Alloys

2. Pascal Bellon, University of Illinois, USA

Presentation Title: Self-organization in Materials Subjected to Irradiation: Toward a Global Perspective

3. Annika Borgenstam, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Presentation Title: A Morphological Study of Bainite

4. Laure Bourgeois, Monash University, Australia

Presentation Title: In Situ Transformations of Precipitate Phases in Aluminium Alloys

5. Yann Le Bouar, CNRS-ONERA, France

Presentation Title: Rafting in Nickel Base Superalloys: a Phase Field Study

6. Francisca G. Caballero, Spanish National Center for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC), Spain

Presentation Title: Examining the Multi-Scale Complexity of Isothermally Treated Bainitic and Martensitic Structures

7. Jianghua Chen, Hunan University, China

Presentation Title: Quantitative Electron Tomography with Applications to Studying Aluminum Alloys

8. Amy Clarke, Colorado School of Mines, USA

Presentation Title: Microstructure Development under Additive Manufacturing Conditions

9. Chuang Dong, Dalian Jiaotong University, China

Presentation Title: Cluster-Based Structural Model and Composition Genes for Materials

10. Hongbiao Dong, University of Leicester, UK

Presentation Title: Using Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction to Characterise Precipitates in Super Duplex Stainless Steels

11. Hamish Fraser, The Ohio State University, USA

Presentation Title: The Influence of Nano-scale Structural Instabilities on Microstructural Evolution in Metastable Beta Titanium Alloys

12. Alphonse Finel, CNRS-ONERA, France

Presentation Title: The Sharp Phase Field Method : Fft-based Mechanical Solvers for Abrupt Interfaces and a Multiphase-field Extension

13. Hélio Goldenstein, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Presentation Title: Exploring High Carbon Bearing Steel with Silicon additions

14. Ernst Gamsjäger, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria

Presentation Title: Influence of the Mobilities of Triple Junctions and Grain Boundaries on the Kinetics of Grain Growth

15. Heung Nam Han, Seoul National University, Korea

Presentation Title: Microstructure Resetting of Metastable Austenitic Alloys Based on Electroplasticity Concept

16. James M. Howe, University of Virginia, USA

Presentation Title: Phase Transformation Interfaces: Past, Present and Future

17. Tilmann Hickel, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany

Presentation Title: High-Throughput Optimization of Finite Temperature Phase Stabilities: Concepts And Application

18. Mingxin Huang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Presentation Title: Abnormal TRIP Effect on Strain Hardening Behavior of Steel at High Strain Rate

19. Zengbao Jiao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Presentation Title: Ultrahigh-Strength and Ductile Alloys with Coherent Nano-Lamellar Architectures

20. Toshiyuki Koyama, Nagoya Unversity, Japan

Presentation Title: Estimation of Materials Parameters in High-Entropy Alloys by Adjoint Method Applied to Multi-Component Diffusion Theory

21. Eric Lass, NIST, USA

Presentation Title: Phase Transformations and Microstructural Evolution during Post-Build Thermal Processing of Additively Manufactured Alloys

22. Yanjun Li, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Presentation Title: Electric Current Induced Abnormal Nucleation and Grain Growth Behavior during Recrystallization of Deformed Aluminium Alloys

23. Tong Li, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Presentation Title: Mechanisms of Beta-To-Omega and Omega-Assisted Alpha Phase Formation in Near Beta-Titanium Alloys

24. Yongchang Liu, Tianjin University, China

Presentation Title: Discontinuous Martensite Transformation Kinetics in a Low Carbon Steel Tailored by Annealing Twins in Austenitic Parent Phase

25. Feng Liu, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Presentation Title: Thermo-kinetic Correlation, Generalized Stability and Thermo-kinetic Connectivity

26. Haiwen Luo, University of Science and Technology Beijng, China

Presentation Title: Substantial Strengthening Mechanism of Medium Mn Steel During Ultrafast Heating: Martensitic, Massive or Bainitic Reverse Transformation?

27. Jian Luo, University of California, San Diego, USA

Presentation Title: Grain Boundary Phase-like Transformations

28. Bonvalet Manon, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Presentation Title: Mean-field Modelling of Heterogeneous Precipitation

29. Knut Marthinsen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Presentation Title: Particle Effects during Recrystallization of Aluminium Alloys and Their Influence on the Texture Evolution

30. Goro Miyamoto, Tohoku University, Japan

Presentation Title: Interaction of Alloying Element with Migrating Ferrite / Austenite Interface

31. Tetsuo Mohri, Tohoku University, Japan

Presentation Title: Theoretical Study of Atomic Size and Phase Transformation

32. Nobuo Nakada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Presentation Title: Effect of Internal Stress Accommodation on Plastic Deformation Behavior in Pearlitic Steel

33. Jörg Neugebauer, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany

Presentation Title: Defect Phase Diagrams as Novel Tool to Understand and Design Structural Materials with Superior Mechanical Properties

34. Jianfeng Nie, Monash University, Australia

Presentation Title: Characterization of Solute Segregation and Precipitates in Light Alloys using Advanced Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques

35. Elena Pereloma, University of Wollongong, Australia

Presentation Title: On the Stability of Retained Austenite in Transformation-induced Plasticity Steels

36. Sophie Primig, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Presentation Title: 2D and 3D EBSD Studies of Variant Selection During Electron Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V

37. Dong Qiu, RMIT Universit, Austrilia

Presentation Title: Additive Manufacturing of Ultra-fine Grained, Pearlitic Titanium-copper Alloys

38. Eugen Rabkin, Technion, Israel

Presentation Title: Mobilities of Coherent and Incoherent Interfaces in the Au-Fe Nanowhiskers

39. Pedro Eduardo Jose Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo, Lancaster University, UK

Presentation Title: Strategies for the Design of Steels for Additive Manufacturing

40. Rongpei Shi, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China

Presentation Title: Revisiting Heterogeneous Nucleation at Homo/Hetero-Interface

41. Ingo Steinbach, Ruhr-University, Germany

Presentation Title: Intelligent-Data-Guided Process Design for Fatigue-Resistant Bainitic Steel: Ibain

42. Katsuyo Thornton, University of Michigan, USA

Presentation Title: Phase Field Modeling for Solid-State Synthesis

43. Peter Voorhees, Northwestern University, USA

Presentation Title: Interfacial Migration and Pinning in Stressed Solids

44. Chris Wolverton, Northwestern University, USA

Presentation Title: The Phase Diagram of all Inorganic Materials

45. Fei Xiao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Presentation Title: Giant Elastocaloric Effect with Wide Temperature Window in Nanocrystalline Ti-44Ni-5Cu-1Al Shape Memory Alloy

46. Wei Xu, Northeastern University, China

Presentation Title: Characteristics of Nucleation and Transformation Sequence in Martensitic Transformation in SUS321 Stainless Steel

47. Hongliang Yi, Northeastern University, China

Presentation Title: Carbon Enrichment at Coating/Substrate Interface and Its Effect on Bendability of Al-Si Coated Press Hardening Steel

48. Zhongwu  Zhang, Harbin Engineering University, China

Presentation Title: Phase transformation via atomic-scale periodic interfacial energy

49. Yufeng Zheng, University of Nevada, Reno, USA

Presentation Title: O' Phase: An Example of Shuffle Transformation in the Metastable Beta Titanium Alloys

Key Dates

Confirmation Deadline for Poster Presentation:           

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Registration Deadline for Authors / Presenters:
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Submission Deadline for Poster Presentation Document:
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Submission Deadline for Oral Presentation Document:
Friday, June 10, 2022